Monday, May 29, 2017

Meeting The Blue Caterpillar.

The door opens, there before them, both, stood a rather handsome man, with dark blue hair, light blue eyes, wearing a nice blue suit, and blue convers.
"What?!" He asks/yells, sounding irritated.
Lilly immediately let out a squeak and shied away, if she had been standing, she would have hidden behind Hatter.
Hatter grins happily. "Hi, Pillar!!!!" He yells. The male growls as he covers his ears, clearly not happy with having Hatter at his doorstep.
Lilly looks between the two of them as if trying to figure out if she should panic or not.
She hated being stuck in the middle. "H-Hello." She stutters. Having finally managed to find words. Her voice came out barely above a whisper.
The male looks down at her, a soft sigh leaves him, he raises an eyebrow. "Well, well, so who is this Hatter? Another Alice by chance?" The male asks. Hatter shakes his head. "Nope, she's my new friend Lilly!!!" He exclaims happily.
Lilly herself manages a smile. "Yeah....I sort drug here, and he thought you may be able to help us figure out why, or at the very least how...." She says, having finally found her voice, she managed to get her whole statement out without her voice shaking, though it was still quiet.
The male looks up at Hatter's hopeful puppy look, he sighs and rolls his eyes. "Fine, come in, But!" He says as he quickly spins back around to face them, he points at Hatter. "If you start a fight or break anything again, I Swear, I'll torture you for a hundred more years."
He growls, Hatter shrinks back a bit and nods in understanding. The male then turns and goes inside. Lilly looks between Hatter and the door.
"Good grief, what did you do?!" She asks, for once, her voice came out normal.
Hatter smiles sheepishly. "I may have started a fight here with the said male that I warned you about earlier, and I may have also landed on many breakable things." He replies.
Lilly shakes her head and starts to laugh.
Hatter sheepishly laughs along with her as he carries her inside, gently shutting the door behind himself.
He then sets her down, once inside. Lilly glances around, happy by the thought of finally getting some answers. "Well....I'm hoping there will be a good explanation for all this." She says.
Caterpillar nods. "Indeed." He mumbles as he walks over to a big desk, which held many big glowing books.

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